I need a dry run for my future work with
ROCKET CITY MOM. I have volunteered to be a contributing "mom" writer. I needed to unload the only photographs I have done (okay ~8 out of 145) since before the 14th and sharpen my writing skills. And, please be kind...I wasn't in any condition to tote the Nikon...so these little quicky snaps are all you get.....for now.....
I think one of the gems of our city is our
Botanical Gardens. No matter the time of year they always have something "growing on", and you can gorge on a
Clementine's pimiento cheese (I suggest the croissant and a heath bar cookie) before you boot, scoot, and boogie.
We maintain few memberships to local attractions due, in large part, to the fact that I like to involve myself in a lot of things that don't pay money....just the reward of love (from the kids) and a plethora of wonderful friendships (well, well worth it). I think the $80 annual family membership fee is a BARGAIN! Since regular admission is $12 for me and $8 for each child, I'd be out $28 a visit anyway....I 100% make more than 3 visits a year. I think we make more than 3 visits a month, generally. That said, take advantage of the
The Seeds to Sprouts program allows you to "meet other parents while nature comes alive for you and your little one, ages 2-5, at 10 a.m. on selected Fridays each month. Enjoy stories, lessons, hands-on activities and guided tours. $8 for first child, $5 for each additional sibling in the same family. Parents free with membership or Garden admission. No registration required." I am sure that information is subject to change at any time without prior notification.
The most recent class we attended was "HALLOWEEN".
The day's story was,
Room on the Broom, which my children were delighted about...especially this years' head witch, Alya P. (pictures soon - I promise -you may have to visit the other blog though)

After the story, the children made a witch on a broomstick craft! [you know you get weak in the knees over a seasonally appropriate, hand made, piece of art via your children]

After the story and craft, the kids were taken on a scavenger hunt to find items from the story. Alya could barely keep it together. This kind of thing is her cup of tea.

As always, after the hour long class (which does cost $8 for the first child and $5 for the second...even with a membership...I think we could petition a reduction on that if more people joined and attended! I am sort of **cough, cough** frugal) we had
plenty of time to play!
With many of the treehouses now permanent fixtures, the scarecrows (which may now be down) and the Christmas lights (which may now all be up), there really is, always, something 'growing on'!

Get over there today to get your membership. Don't let the northerners scare ya'll with their snow. Come on southern girls...I heard we'd be back in the 70's by the end of next week.
Happy Trick or Treating y'all!