You know what is difficult? Working and taking care of the house and situating things that happen (sticks in eyes, vomiting dogs, people who need you outside of your home) and managing everything that is going on....and then trying to find time for school....
Difficult is an understatement.
So, sometimes, we just play. And, by we, I mostly mean Ben and Alya because I am very easily distracted and led away to do this thing and that thing, and, lately, I have been doing some fill in work, so I am not with the kids as much as I usually am.
That said, I have never denied that play is one of the best learning environments for young children. Alya has the most vibrant imagination I have ever encountered in a child (when asked at ballet class what color butterfly she was, she followed on the numerous pinks and purples with "rainbow sparkle"). Ben is bent on math and art, and they both LOVE GAMES. Their birthday and Christmas presents seem inordinantly unbalanced on the side of ganmes, and, I'm okay with that - and I think they will be too.
I appreciate it is not a lesson. Not for you. What games do your children enjoy the most? Which do they seem to learn the most from?
Fear not about missed learning time. We hiked in a relatively new area yesterday and got to see some amazing fungi, new plants, a ladybug, and got a great view of the world below. Followed by swings and slides and a good night's sleep and I am sure the wiring is abuzz.