I'd say our work revolves around 3 major areas:
1. Writing and reading together and allowing them time to do it independently as well.
2. Lots of craft time/play with playdoh, paint, glue, and scissors.
3. "Field trips"
I'm going to be very forgiving with that last one because, sometimes, it is a "field trip" and sometimes (every time) wherever we are just turns into a learning experience. These kids want to know everything, and I am glad to answer.
I have also realized (thank you Adam) why and how parents find very, ahem, easy ways to answer things....and how that can become a trap. Commit yourself to answering every question your child asks truthfully and frankly. I think my kids actually respect me. I think our truthfulness with them keeps things easy. It certainly does not prevent power struggles, but I can assure you my kids know who is in charge (and it isn't Alya!). I admit that sometimes I have to give them a question time out. Sometimes it is just too much and I feel like I will explode if I am asked another question, so I ask for a 5 minute break.
If you are finger (hand) painting with the kids, and you are not to particular about your walls, let them make handprints....we did, and it looks so adorable. Ben could not resist the urge to return and smear the paint and Alya almost marked our kitchen walls before I explained this was a once a year thing.....but it turned out ever so cute!
The kids love to sit on our bed in the afternoons to read...one of their favorite books is "Feelings" by Aliki....and mine and Adam's 10 year anniversary scrapbook. They love looking back at our wedding pictures and then following that time to their birth! So fun!