I am too legit to quit.
So, I'm keeping on keeping on.
Right now Alya needs to work most on writing and reading. She also is having a terrible amount of difficulty with following instructions. So....those lessons aren't really photo worthy. If I come up with creative activites for this, I will certainbly share. Right now all I can do is pull out pencils and paper and work with her on tasks. She has the most incredible imagination. I want to help her learn to use it in the world. Writing seems to be the integral means to that end. She is so busy playing, though, that settling down with crayons and paper or a pen and worksheet make her eyes roll.....give her a maze or puzzle to work, though, and you are on to something.
Ben....well, Ben just needs room and board. I seriously have no idea with him. All I know to do with him is to show him the world. Both benefit greatly with our field trips and acitivites. She sucks it all right in too.
After we worked on the letter "K" yesterday, they both wanted to do pinkalicious worksheets (you'll see these more...Alya got a workbook for her birthday and they both love it!)
I know this isn't "school"....or is it??? Icing orange rolls for breakfast:
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