It is hard to be sick around get to pile up in mommy and daddy's bed and watch cartoons. Tough stuff.
We had stuff simmering all week. Ben had had a cold and Alya was a bit grumpy. We had a busy, busy week, and, as usually happens, I planned to go to the dog class at HBG Seeds to Sprouts, and BAM, strep throat.
I know this is not school related, but my kids not only got kuddos from their pediatrician for such great behavior, but also from my doctor. My kids took their itchy sticks (strep tests) like pros and LOVED that I also had to do one and that I got a shot! I guess we had a bit of an indaverdent biology lesson....good think for the kid that says she plans on being a pediatric surgeon. She's serious. She even saw an older girl going into the doctor ahead of us and said if she was the doctor, she'd be sure to give that kid a shot....then she came home and rubbed GiGi's skin tag like a night night (ew....) she is not scared of anything.
I went to a great class on Kindergarten preparedness this week at the library hosted by Dana Trulock. I got some great tips on helping ready Alya with some "attention" practices. I also learned a bit about Kindergarten in general. The kids have decided they want to be separate. I agree. I think they each need their own place to develop their own ideas and abilities.
Now I have to go vomit.
I hope all of you are well soon. I hate when The Twinkees are sick. Let Gams know is you need anything. Love You All!!!